
Twój kolega/koleżanka chce zorganizować swojej siostrze przyjęcie urodzinowe- niespodziankę i prosi cię o radę, jak to zrobić. Napisz do niego e-maila, w którym:
-poinformujesz go/ją o podobnej imprezie, w której uczestniczyłeś
- wspomnisz, na czym polegała niespodzianka
- wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat tej imprezy
- napiszesz, co było najsłabszym punktem tej imprezy, i doradzisz jak go uniknąć.

Odpowiedź :

Hello Suzy,

I read your last email where you were asking how to organize a surprise birthday party for your sister Julia. Luckily last month I was taking part in a surprise birthday party, so I know how to help you!

Do you remember Jack? This boy was with us at the summer camp. So he had his birthday on the 12th of January. His brother decided to organize, a surprise birthday party for him and asked me for help. When Jack went to his guitar classes, we quickly decorated the house, made some treats and I bought Jacks' favourite chocolate cake.

When Jack came back home, we jumped out and screamed "surprise", but that wasn't the best part of the celebration. Jack always wanted a dog - Border Collie, so his brother bought a puppy from a dog breeder. And when Jack was blowing the candles we gave him the puppy.

To summarizing I really liked the party. I had a lot of fun, but the most important - Jack was happy.

And also I want to add my advice: be careful with confetti, because most of them are flammable. Why I am telling that? When Jack was blowing the candles one piece of confetti fell on the candle and started burning, we got really scared.

I hope my story will help you with organization,

Best wishes


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