

5 Work in pairs. Read the information below.
In turns, make active and passive sentences.
Use the Present and Past simple passive.
Inventions that have changed the way we communicate
Radio waves / discover / Heinrich Hertz / 1886
The telephone / design / Alexander Graham Bell / 1876
The World Wide Web / create / Tim Berners-Lee / 1990
Facebook / use / 1.4 billion people / every day
4 million photos / upload / on Instagram/ every hour
Over 30 million WhatsApp messages / send / every
Heinrich Hertz discovered
radio waves in 1886.
Radio waves were discovered
by Heinrich Hertz in 1886.​

to do tego zadania odpowiedzi
Alexander Graham Bell designed the telephone in 1876.--->[strona bierna] The telephone was designed by A.G Bell in 1876. Tim Berners Lee created the WWW in 1990.---->The WWW was created by Tim Berners Lee in 1990. 1.4 billion people use Facebook every day.----->Facebook is used by 1.4 billion people everyday. People upload 4 million photos on Instagram every hour.---->4 million photos are uploaded on Instagram every hour. People send over 30 million WhatsApp messages every minute.------->Over 30 million WhatsApp messages are sent every minute.