
Zadanie 9
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupelni luki w zdaniach 9.1.-9.4. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
A Job for Joe
Today is his lucky day. He finally has a job offer. It is true that when hope is gone, something
unexpected happens and your dream finally comes true.
"Congratulations my son. I am so proud
of you," his mother told him on the phone. His father did
not say anything. He just held his hand for a moment that seemed like ages. It has always been
like that between them. Silence is the best expression of their love. Joe knows that his family has
been worried for a long time, although they have never told him that openly.
He can now start thinking seriously about his future. First, he needs to find a house to rent.
Something small will do in the beginning, and he can think of getting something bigger when he
has saved enough money. He is not in a hurry to start a family yet. He has so many things to
learn and do in his life. Besides, weddings are so expensive nowadays.
He remembers the interview. One of the men asked him what his personal qualities were.
He told him that he was responsible, caring, open-minded and good with animals. He thought
that they would ask him many questions about his education. He did not study agriculture at
college so he does not understand exactly why they have chosen him for this job. Perhaps there
is something that they saw in him that he is not aware of.
His sisters are happy for him. They have already asked him for video games and trainers.
"Your first salary will be for us," they said. Yes, he will try to make their dreams come true.
Na podstawie https://learnenglishwithafrica.com/short-story-a-job-for-joe-with-vocabulary-for-talking-about-jobs-level-a2-b1/
9.1. Joe's father showed that he was proud of his son by
9.2. When Joe saves enough money, he's planning to buy
9.3. During the interview, Joe expected to get asked questions about
9.4. Joe's sisters want him to buy
for them.​

Zadanie 904Przeczytaj Tekst Uzupelni Luki W Zdaniach 9194 Zgodnie Z Treścią Tekstu Luki Należy Uzupełnić W JęzykuangielskimA Job For JoeAV EToday Is His Lucky D class=

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9.1 Joe's father showed that he was proud of his son by holding his hand.

9.2 When Joe saves enough money, he's planning to buy a bigger house.

9.3 During the interview, Joe expected to get asked questions about his education.

9.4 Joe's sister wants him to buy video games and trainers for them.


1 Joe's father showed that he was proud of his son by holding his hand.

2 When Joe saves enough money, he's planning to buy a bigger house.

3 During the interview, Joe expected to get asked questions about his education.

4 Joe's sister wants him to buy video games and trainers for them.