na jutro plis dam 11 punktów plis

Zadanie 1
1 - b
2 - c
3 - a
4 - f
5 - d
6 - e
Zadanie 2
1 eat
a) fast food
b) sweets
2 drink
a) still water
b) sparkling water
3 have lunch at
a) the school canteen
b) a pizzeria
4 get lunch from
nie wiem przepraszam
Zadanie 3
a) I'll do it in a minute.
b) Can I clear the table instead?
c) It's a deal.
d) Can you do the washing-up?
e) I hate that.
A - Can you do the washing-up?
B - Sure. I'll do it in a minute.
A - Can you also cut up the fruit, please?
B - I hate that. Can I clear the table instead?
A - OK. It's a deal.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam :)