
Napisz zdania (po angielsku) z podanych wyrazów

1. Loud the dishwasher

2. Sweep the flor

3.lay the table

4. Vacuum the carpet

5. Unloud the dishwasher

Odpowiedź :

1. I have to loud the dishwasher every day. It's my housework.

2. My sister's birthday party is today. I have to sweep the floor because I dumped crisps on the floor.

3. It's Christmas! Lay the table as fast as possible grandma is coming!

4. Why didn't you vacuum the carpet. I had to tidy your whole room not only your shelf

5. Son could you help me? I think the dishwasher stopped it's work so could you please unload the dishwasher?

I loud the dishwasher every day.  

My brother sweeps the floor every day.  

My mum lays the table three times a day.  

My dad vacuums the carpet once a week.  

I unloud the dishwasher every day.

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