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he was a poet, political activist, publicist, translator, philosopher, religious activist, mystic, academic teacher and the national poet of Poland, Lithuania, Belarus.

It all started in 1816-1819, he decided to go to study in Vilnius and then start working as a teacher in Kaunas, he was not interested in this job, but was forced to work off what we would today call a study grant. There he met Maryla Wereszczakówna, a beautiful and intelligent woman, he fell in love with her, but the girl was married to Count Puttkamer. The most important works of this period that he wrote: Oda od Młodości, Ballady i romanse and Grażyna was the first poetic novel.

Unfortunately, in 1823 he was imprisoned in the Basilian monastery in Vilnius for his activities in the Philomath and Filarets circles. Then he was exiled deep into Russia where he traveled, among others to St. Petersburg.

In 1830 in Rome he found out about the November Uprising, so without thinking for a moment he went to Greater Poland, but did not take part in the uprising. After the unsuccessful uprising, he goes to Dresden and then to Paris

In Paris, he married Celna Szymanowska. From 1839 he started working as a lecturer in Lausanne, then at the College de France. In 1841 he met the wonderful person of Andrzej Towiański and I am joining the circle of God's Affairs. Seven years later he decided to form Polish legions in Italy, but eventually returned to Paris and in 1855 he went to Turkey to form legions to fight Russia. Thus he dies unexpectedly on November 26, 1855