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" Keeping animals in cages. " As every new idea that is implemented, this one has its supporters and opponents. The supporters want the animals to be kept in ZOO in special cages adapted to environmental, nutritional, climatic and metric requirements and needs. They are happy that they do not need to go to sometimes distant countries or continents to see any animal or even several that they like. Not everyone would surely be able to afford such a trip because of the cost, time, health or strength, so for them the best solution to see live animals by themselves or with their families are the special cages that are placed in the zoo. This is a very quick and convenient solution for them. And the opponents of such an idea are also right here.After all, it is very expensive to keep such animals, and in view of the fact that there is high unemployment and low wages in the country, the money could be used for poor or homeless people or sick children. There are also countries on other continents where a large number of people are living on the brink of poverty and have no one to help them, and where money is spent on "unnecessary goals". There are also sometimes situations when an animal escapes from a cage and poses a life threat to the inhabitants. And as in the first case, the opponents are right. But there's a third aspect to this case that's called "the third aspect". animal defenders " , Ecologists who are sometimes overly worried that animals in cages are being harmed.In my opinion, the arguments should be divided in half, because both supporters and opponents have their rightful opinion on this matter. I personally believe that animals should live in the wild, but this is only my opinion and each of us has the right to have his or her own opinion and opinion on every issue!
JEŚLI! Pojawiły się jakieś błędy to przepraszam jednak mam nadzieję że jakoś pomogłam <3