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The First Shopping with Internet Friend

Hello guys!

Today's entry is about my first shopping with Angelo. Angelo's my friend, and  we met on the internet.

Angelo arrived yesterday and today at 15 we went to Warsaw to the gallery "Brama Mazur". The first store was my favorite - Sinsay, we spend 30 minutes there. I bought some really cool jeans for 70zł. A friend bought a pink sweater for 50zł, it's really soft! The next store was 4F. there was nothing interesting for me, only Angelo bought sports leggings for 30zł. Then we went to 3 more stores, I bought 2 sweatshirts, one for me and one for my friend. There was a "buy one and get 50% off on the other" discount and i bought cute skirt for 10zł.

After shopping, we went to the movie "Lśnienie". It's a horror movie, i was so scared. Then we went home.

That's all for today. If you like my entry, you can leave a comment.

Later, Bye.