
Zadanie 1
Połącz zdania 1-7 tak, aby stworzyły mini dialogi. Dwa zdania z prawej kolumny nie zostaną dopasowane. Do
tych zdań ułóż samodzielnie pytanie tak, aby stworzyć dialog.
1. What's the weather like?
2. What are you keen on?
3. Would you like something to eat?
4.Can I borrow your bike?
5.Where do you usually do the shopping?
6.What are you going to do at the
7.Where do you live?
A. Yes, but I will need it at the weekend.
B. I live in the country.
C. I like sunny weather.
D. I'm not sure. What do you suggest?
E. It's cold and windy.
F. No, thank you. Just water, please.
G. My mother does it, she usually goes to the
market near our house.
H. I'm a great fan of winter sports.
1. We are keen to visit you tomorrow.​

Odpowiedź :


1. E

2. C

3. F

4. A

5. G

6. D

7. B