
8 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
Na lekcjach chemii robiliście ostatnio ciekawe eksperymenty. W rezultacie bardzo zainteresowałeś/aś się tym przedmiotem. Napisz e-mail do swojego brata, który studiuje chemię na uniwersytecie.
• Przeproś, że nie piszesz częściej.
• Podziel się z bratem nowinkami z domu.
• Opisz jeden z eksperymentów, jakie przeprowadziłeś/aś.
• Porównaj swoje zainteresowanie chemią teraz z tym sprzed kilku lat.

Odpowiedź :



I'm sorry I don't write you as often as I used to, but I've been very busy with school.

Mum has just gotten me a new computer! We will be able to play games online together. Dad sold his old car and is looking for a new one.

I need to tell you about the experiment we did in chemistry class! We added hydrogen peroxide to a dish that contained potassium iodide and dish soap. It created so much foam that it covered the whole desk!  That experiment is called "elephant's toothpaste". It was very fun.

I used to think chemistry was boring, but now it's one of my favourite subjects. The new teacher makes it sound so interesting and does a lot more experiments than the previous one. Can you send me one of your old chemistry textbooks? I would love to learn more.

Please visit us soon!

