
Napisz po angielsku kiedy ostatni raz byłeś frustrated, angry, bored, puzzled, happy, sad
Według wzoru:
The last time I felt frustrated was when I was abroad and I couldn't understand The language
Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc

Odpowiedź :


[ANGRY]:The last time I felt angry was when I spilled my tea and broke my mug because I wasn't paying attention.

[BORED]:The last time I felt bored was when I was grounded and had nothing to do.

[PUZZLED]The last time I felt puzzled was when I couldn't do the math problem on the test.

[HAPPY]:The last time I was happy was when my mom suprised me with a pet dog on my birthday.

[SAD]:The last time I was sad was when my dog ran away and we couldn't find him.

Frustrated- Sfrustrowany

Angry- Zły

Bored- Znudzony

Puzzled- Zdziwoiony [lecz w większości przypadków oznacza to zakłopotanego]

Happy- Sczęśliwy

Sad- Smutny

Nie jestem pewna czy o to chodziło w [według wzoru]..

Więc jeśli nie i mam coś poprawić to pisz w komentarzu.
