
Zaznacz w zdaniach 1–5 miejsca, gdzie wstawisz wyrazy podane w nawiasach. W zdaniach 6–8 napisz czasownik w formie przeczącej.
1 I drink orange juice. (sometimes)
2 We have lunch at school. (five times a week)
3 I swim in cold water. (never)
4 They drink fizzy drinks. (once a day)
5 Kate plays board games. (twice a month)
6 I eat fast food. (not)
7 My dad has to get up early. (not)
8 I have to walk to school. (not)

Odpowiedź :

1. Sometimes i drink orange juice
2. We have luch five times a week at school
3. I never swim in cold water
4. They drink fizzy drinks once a day
5. Kate plays board games twice a month
6. I don’t eat fast food
7. My dad doesn’t have to get up early
8. I don’t have to walk to school
1. I sometimes drink orange juice.
2. We have lunch fave times a week at school.
3. I never swim in cold water.
4. They once a day drink fizzy drinks.
5. Kate play board games twice a month.
6. I not eat fast food.
7. My dad hasn’t to get up early.
8. I haven’t to walk to school.

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