
Napisz 15 zdan z Animals
10 min

Napisz 15 Zdan Z Animals 10 Min class=

Odpowiedź :


I saw an ant yesterday.

Cockroaches are disgusting.

I like observing when a dragonfly flies.

I hate earthworms, but surprisingly caterpillars don't disturb me.

When dogs have fleas it means their owner doesn't take care of them.

I think ladybirds are cute.

In the summer we often see moths.

I envy snails - they can live their lives peacefully, and they don't have to rush.

Grasshoppers can be annoying.

I am afraid of wasps.

I love butterflies, they bring me so much joy.

I have a spider, his name is George.

The most unnecessary insects are mosquitoes.

Bumblebees seem so relaxed.
