
napisz dialog chce wynająć mieszkanie po angielsku ​

Odpowiedź :


A. Yes, and I have a few questions.

B. Ok, tel me please what you need. Maybe I can help you.

A. Is the balcony in the flat?

B. Yes, there is a big balkony with some flowers.

A. That's sounds nice. And what can you tell me aubot view from the window?

B. Unfortunately it is not too nice. From the window you will see a crowded street.

A. Oh no, It must be awful...it isn't quiet place, I tkink.\

B. No, it isn't. But the flat iv very bright and modern.

A. What about price for rent?

B. For such a large flat rent isn't too high. Only 250 £ for month.

A. Yes. it's cheap for me. I like it. What about rooms in this flat?

B. There are 5 rooms. Bedroom with private batroom, living-room, study, room for a child and dressing room.Also there is a modern kitchen.

A. Fantastic! And the last question. Is the flat furnished?

B. Yes, all rooms are furnished with stylish furniture.

A.I am committed to rent this flat. I really like it. When we can sign an agreement?

B. I think tommorow if you have free time at 10 o'clock.  

A. Yes, I have:). So see you tommorow.

B. See you, have a nice day!
