
Potrzebuje pomocy z angielskim

Hej Potrzebuje Pomocy Z Angielskim class=

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1. were (con2)

2. look (con0)

3. will call (con1)

4. wouldn't have (con2)

5. don't find (con1)

6. lick (con0)

7. will die (con1)

zad 7

1. As soon as I wake up in the morning I brush my teeth.

2. If there's nothing good on TV, I usually read a book.

3. I enjoy English lessons as long as we don't do speeches.

4.  I'll pass all my exams this summer as long as I revise information from last year.

5. I never wake up at night unless I have a bad dream.

6. If I could change one thing in my life, I would get rid of phones.

7. If I had more money, I would have bought a brand new car.

8. Provided that the weather is good this weekend, I will go for a picnic.
