Zad. 8, proszę na jutro!!!!!!

-Homelessness is a serious problem. Do you think we should write to politicians?
-Yes, that's a good idea because politicians have the most power in our society. I think the government should build more houses that are funded by taxes and let homeless people live in them.
-That would be great, but we have to think about what causes these people to be homeless in the first place.
-Yes, that's very important. I think that we should tackle drug addiction by opening more rehabs because a lot of homeless people struggle with addiction.
-Individual people could hep them too. For example, we should volunteer to help in homless shelters or in soup kitchens because that's where people who need help go first.
-Those ideas are all good, but i think that we should start programs that help homeless people find jobs so they can get money to start a new life.