Plis pomóżcie DAM NAJ I 50 PKT

Stronę bierną w języku angielskim tworzymy poprzez odmianę czasownika to be w tym samym czasie co zdanie wyjściowe w stronie czynnej oraz dodanie past participle, czyli czasownika w 3 formie.
1. this article was written by Stanley.
2. the match was cancelled by the referee.
3. special uniforms were worn by firemen.
4. this film was made by a famous director.
5. the missing child was found by a detective.
Zad. 2
1. Architects design houses.
2. one of the students broke the window.
3. I taught good manners.
Strona bierna => Jim's bike was stolen by someone last night.
Strona czynna => Someone stole Jim's bike last night.