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Odpowiedź :


Hi Mark!

How are you? I hope that you're OK! Anyway I took part in an art contest last week and decided to tell you about it.

The contest started at 10am but I had been there since 9.30am. It took place in our school in Room 21. They decided to make it here because there were a lot of contestants and that room was is big enough to fit them all. The topic was "A castle during the rain". I decided to draw it since this is the techinque I'm the most familliar with. I was drawing it for about 1,5 an hour when a bell rang. It was a sign of end of the contest. I was very disappointed because I had menaged to draw only 3/4 of it! But in spite of that, I think it was worth it. Why? Because it gave me a lot of experience and when I talked with others I realised that my work wasn't that bad.

What about you? Have you won or participated any contest lately?

Write back soon