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careful Brazil cheap shop pick week wonder

A lot of people ask me where they should get their fruit and vegetables from. I know that supermarkets are .....
than small shops but I never buy my fruit and vegetables there because I don't think they are very fresh. My favourite place to do my ......
food shopping is my local farm shop. When you buy your fruit and vegetables there you may be sure that they .......
from the fields that day. They have also been sorted ........
so that there are no bad ones in the bottom of your bag (as it sometimes happens when shopping in the supermarket). Although prices in local shops are higher, the service is better and the food tastes .......
. The choice is smaller but, in these days of global warming, it is good for the planet if we only eat local food and stop buying South African grapes or ........

Odpowiedź :


1. Cheaper

2. Shopping

3. Picked

4. Carefully

5. Wonderful

6. Brazilian

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