Odpowiedź :
Dear (imię osoby do której piszesz )
Last week my parents bought me a 5 month little female puppy. I decided to name her Spot because she is white with a small black spot on her back. She is very playfull and funny however she can be quite naughty. Every day I have to wake up at 6:00 am so I can take for a walk in the park before school. When I'm at school my mum takes her to puppy school were Spot learns how to behave and make friends with other dogs. When I come back from school I take her for a walk again.We feed her 3 times a day (in the morning, afternoon and before sleep). Spot doesn't like to sleep by herself so my parents let her sleep im my room. How is your pet rabbit doing?
Best regards (twoje imię)
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