

Zastosuj czas past simple

Obchodziłeś/-łaś niedawno swoje urodziny. Opowiedz angielskiemu koledze o tej uroczystości:

poinformuj, które urodziny i kiedy je świętowałeś/-łaś,
jaka była organizacja imprezy, -kto był uczestnikiem urodzin.

(Bezsensowne odpowiedzi zostaną zgłoszone)

Odpowiedź :

Hejka, zrobię to w formie krótkiego dialogu. :)

-Hi Mike.
-Hi Milena, what’s up?
- I’m fine, thanks, and you?
- Me too.
-How did you spend your weekend?
- I was celebrating my birthday.
- Oh, really? Happy birthday!
- Thank you.
- How did you spend your birthday?
- I had a party for my family.
-Great! How was it?
-It was irresistible! I got a lot of presents, but it isn’t very important.
My family arrived when I was dressing up. I was scared, that I’ll missed the party! My grandparents, cousins and uncles came for my birthday.
My aunt prepared a very delicous cake. It was a chocolate cake, my absolutely favourite! We ate a cake, and then we started dancing and singing. It was a lot of fun! I’ve never had fun like this. It was my best birthday party! I’m so happy, that I could spent it with my family.
-Wow, your birthday party was awesome! I’m jealous!

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam.