
Przetłumacz na nieregularne

(Wczoraj byłem) ___________________ at my grandma’s together with my parents.

We _____________(zjedliśmy) delicious dinner and a fantastic cake my grandma baked for us.

We also ______________(spędziliśmy czas (hang)) with my cousins watching films and playing outside.

My little cousin, Mia, _____________(narysowała) a portrait of the whole family. It ______(był) brilliant!

Grandparents _______________(kupili) us the newest version of X-Box, so we ________(mieliśmy) a chance to play a little bit.

Grandpa said it ___________(kosztował) too much, but they _______(wiedzieli) that we would be over the moon to get it.

We _____________(marzyliśmy) about it!

I (zapomniałem) ______________ to add that we also _________(poszliśmy) to the park.. We ____________(nakarmiliśmy) the ducks and we ______________(wróciliśmy) back by bus.

Well, to be honest, this is not the whole truth…

Unfortunately, the bus ____________(zepsuł sie) on the way back so we _________(złapaliśmy) a taxi.

At the end of the day, we ____________(czuliśmy) tired, but pleased at the same time that we could spend that day with our family.

Szybko na dzisiaj

Odpowiedź :


1.Yesterday I was


3.spent time

4.drew, was

5.bought, had




9.broke up



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