
BŁAGAM DO 20 musze miec skończone
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BŁAGAM DO 20 Musze Miec Skończone Daje Naj Serca I Wgl Hellp class=

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I'm doing a blog. It's really interesting!

I'm on a holiday camp with my best friend. Our guardian (opiekun) predestined us our new room. It's number is 16. Me and my friend, (tu wpisz imię przyjaciela) have to share it. We also got predestined some chores.

I have to sweep the hall floor, and (imię przyjaciela) has to wipe the dust off the furniture. The camp is actually really fun! We have multiple trips. Yesterday we were on the beach. We swam, we played volleyball and many many other things. Today the coach said that we will have a trip to the rope park. Sure it will be fun. I love climbing and I like difficult things. A rope park is a perfect place for me!