Odpowiedź :
I spent my whole winter break having fun. It all started with preparations for Christmas. I swear I spent a whole day in my kitchen! I helped my mother prepare all the traditional dishes. This yeah we didn’t have many guests over- only my grandfather. But still there were a lot of things to do. We had to cook, clean the whole house and set the table. I was in charge of baking. I decided to make a cheesecake and a chocolate pie. The latter may not be very “Christmas like”, but it is from my own recipe so I had to prepare it. Everyone loved it by the way! My New Year’s Eve was very fruitful. I organised a small gathering with my boyfriend and our closest friends. It was at my place. Because I live on the 10th floor the view of the fireworks was breathtaking. We drank champagne and had pizza. I also made rolls with salmon. Unfortunately, my friend Monica got sick after that night, but she still considers it one of the greatest in her life. There is nothing better than spending quality time with your friends. On the fortnight of winterbreak I went skiing and skating. My boyfriend almost killed himself when he tried to do a trick on skates. Thankfully he ended up only with bruises on his elbow and knees. We had a wonderful time though and I didn’t get hurt at all. All in all I had a lot of fun during these couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to more winter adventures in the future.
Nie wiem ile słów, ale może pomoże ;)