
Proszę o szybką pomoc daje najj​

Proszę O Szybką Pomoc Daje Najj class=

Odpowiedź :


1. If I were you, I would get a new job.

2. If he was younger, he would travel more.

3. If we weren't friends, I would be angry with you.

4. If I had enough money, I would buy a big house.

5. If she wasn't always so late, she would be promoted.

6. If we won the lottery, we would travel the world.

7. If you had a better job, we would be able to buy a new car.

8. If I spoke perfect English, I would have a good job.

9. If we lived in Mexico, I would speak Spanish.

10. If she passed the exam, she would be able to enter university.

11. She would be happier if she had more friends.

12. We would buy a house if we decided to stay here.

13. They would have more money if they didn't buy so many clothes.

14. We would come to dinner if we had time.

15. She would call him if knew his number.

16. They would go to Spain on holiday if they liked hot weather.

17. She would pass the exam is she studied more.

18. I would marry someone famous if I were a movie star.

19. We never would be late again if we bought a new car.

20. You would lose weight if you ate less.


zdania warunkowe typu II wyglądają tak:

If + past simple (II forma czasownika w formie przeszłej/ +ed), would + bezokolicznik  

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