
Pilnee! Zadanie w załączniku

Pilnee Zadanie W Załączniku class=

Odpowiedź :

1. My parents went -  shopping and we stayed at home.

2. He's annoyed at you for not getting in contact with him.

3. By all means bring your dog but keep it under control.

4. You must believe in yourself if you want to succeed in reaching the top of your chosen career.

5. Margaret is under a great deal of pressure at the moment.

6. My father gave -  me a clock which once belonged to his grandfather.

7. To my mind, everyone is responsible for the problems caused by politicians.

8. At times you remind me of your grandmother.

9. If it happened by accident, why would they put the blame on you?

10. People are quite prepared to spend large sums of money on their children's education.