Proszę o odpowiedzi na te pytania. Najlepiej jakby były rozwinięte i w więcej niz jednym zdaniu.

1 I think In this quarantinne time I spend more time with my family than before. It’s maybe like 2-5 hours. For me and other family members it’s perfect amount of time and I think its’s enough.
2 I think family gatherings their fine. We can all meet and do something interesting and spend time together. It’s important to spend time with all members in your family.
3. I think I look up to my mom and dad. They raise me and they are my parents so I admire and love them.
4. It’s not easy to open yourself and make friends with eveyone, but it’s not that hard for me as for other people i know. You just have to work on your confidance and don’t be afraid, so for me it’s mostly easy
5. I usually hang out with my friends outside. We like to go on a walks and we sometimes go to shops together.
1 I usually get up from my bed 10 minutes after i wake up, but sometimes I like to lay in bed for half an hour.
2. Yes I have. We almost always eat dinner and supper together at the dinner table. We don’t eat breakfast together becouse at the morning everybody rush to school or work so we don’t have time
3. I think I often help in my house. I help my mom with cleaning but sometimes I’m just lazy and don’t do anything but I do my chores everyday!
4. Yes I would know. I usually do i tor help my parents with it.
5. I think usually my mom irons my clothes becouse she don’t want me to do it, and becouse i don’t know how to do it.
6. I clean my room two Times a week and it’s kinda of messy but not as much as in rooms of my friends!
Mogą być literówki i błędy ale zrobiłam jak mogłam i mam nadzieję że pomogłam! W tekście napisałam tylko o rodzicach i że wykonujesz swoje obowiązki itd.