
Bardzo bym prosiła o pomoc :) NA JUTRO
3 *** Choose the correct verb forms to complete the

1 al have to go home. I forgot to lock / locking the door!
b I forgot to tell / telling him the story, so I told it
a second time. How embarrassing.

2 a The teacher regretted to be / being so hard on the
b We regret to inform / informing you that today's
lesson is cancelled.

3 a Luckily I remembered to switch off / switching off the
lights so we didn't have to go back and do it.
bl remember to meet / meeting your cousin very well.

4 a We stopped work to have / having a break because
we were really tired.
b A problem occurred so the scientists stopped
working /to work on that project.

5 a We tried to add / adding more information to the
program, but it didn't solve the problem.
b She tried to explain / explaining the process but she
didn't manage to.

Bardzo Bym Prosiła O Pomoc NA JUTRO 3 Choose The Correct Verb Forms To Complete The Sentences 1 Al Have To Go Home I Forgot To Lock Locking The Door B I Forgot class=