
Przekształć zdania aby miały jak najbardziej zbliżony sens, uzywając podanego słowa.
1. I think a singer's life isn't good for me.

2. You can use this car whenever you want to.
This car..........................................(DISPOSAL)

3. We made every effoet to win the last competition
We...........................................to win the last competition (BEST)

4.Very few people want to buy this model of the motorbike
There is .....................................................................(DEMAND)

5. It's very difficult to belive in the story you told us
The story............................................................(BEYOND)

Odpowiedź :



1. I think a singer's life isn't good for me.

I'm not cut out for a singer's life.

2. You can use this car whenever you want to.

This car is at your disposal.

3. We made every effort to win the last competition

We did our best to win the last competition.

4.Very few people want to buy this model of the motorbike .

There is no demand for this model of the motorbike .

The demand for this motorbike is really small.

5. It's very difficult to belive in the story you told us.

The story you told us is beyond our imagination.