
1 Przeczytaj zdania opisujące angielską szkołę. Następnie przeczytaj tekst i
zdecyduj, które zdania są prawdziwe ( T) a które – nie (F).

1 Young children can study at St. Andrew’s school.
2 You can’t get to the school by train.
3 Students start to learn German before French.
4 The school has a lot of equipment for learning Science.
5 Foreign students can’t study at the school.
6 The Geography class went to Brittany this year.
7 Students who like skiing are going to Italy next year.
8 Students can play instruments together at the school.
9 Students have won a prize in a Drama competition.
10 Visitors can go to the school before the summer term starts.

St. Andrew’s School
St. Andrew’s School is an independent school for students aged three to eighteen. It is located
in beautiful grounds in Guildford – a historic city in the south of England. The school is easily
accessible from Heathrow Airport, the M25 and M3 motorways, and from the local railway
We offer a programme of courses to fit the National Curriculum. We understand the
importance of European languages, so students learn French from the age of four and German
from the age of eleven. Spanish is the third language option.
We organise educational trips in a range of subjects, including Geography, History, Biology
and Information Technology. We have fully-equipped laboratories for the teaching of
Science. Drama and Theatre Studies are also popular subjects.
We have an experienced team of English Language teachers for students who come from
abroad and who need to improve their language skills.
We offer a large choice of clubs and activities for both students and teachers.
We organise an annual trip to France for all students. This year the students went to Brittany,
where they learned about the history and geography of the region and had the opportunity to
improve their French.
We also arrange a ski trip once a year. This year the group went to the Austrian Alps, and next
year the destination is the Italian Dolomites.
Older students have the opportunity to take part in an Information Technology week every
Other activities include: gymnastics, athletics, aerobics, canoeing, tennis, the orchestra, the
computer club and the chess club.
Recent Success
Technology: Five students have won a CREST award (Creativity in Science and
Athletics: Holly West won a gold medal in the high jump at the Guildford Schools
Championships. Our Year 8 boys were the fastest runners in the 4 x 100 relay race.
Gymnastics: Neil Hill came first at the British Sports Gymnastics Championships in March
this year.
Drama: We enjoyed an excellent school production of the popular stage show Cats. Money
from the sale of tickets was given to the Dreams Come True charity, which helps children
who are seriously ill.
Future Events
 Monday 22nd April – Open Day for visitors to the school
 Wednesday 24th April – Summer Term starts
 Saturday 12th May – National Gymnastics Championships
 Friday 8th June – Sports Day
 Thursday 28th June – Summer Music Concert