
HEJ! PROSZE O POMOC Otrzymałeś e-maila od swojej przyjaciółki Alishy. W swoim e-mailu Alisha opowiada o konkursie kulinarnym, w którym chce wziąć udział w najbliższym czasie. Napisz e-maila do Alishy. W e-mailu powinieneś: podziękować Alishie za e-mail i skomentować jej artykuł POTRZEBUJE NA TERAZ

Odpowiedź :


Dear Alisha

Thank you very much for your message. I haven’t heard for a long time from you and I was wondering if everything was alright with you.

I think you should participate in the contest, because your article is very innovating. You write about bonding useful with pleasant in recipies of healthy meals. Everybody wants to eat well and don’t get fat and be healthy. You come with help and this is very good.  

I think you have great chances in winning a prize during this contest.

Keep up the good work!

I wish you good luck and looking forward to hearing from you.


