Arturkonieczny50go Arturkonieczny50go Język angielski Rozwiązane Complete the conversations using phrases with like. 1. A. Did you choose the salmon starter? What's it like? B. It's delicious. Try some. 2. A. Do ....................... classical music? B. No, I can't stand it. I only listen to rock. 3. A. What ............... doing at the weekend? B. Nothing much. We like staying at home and relaxing! 4. A. What ........................ your weekend ..................... ? B. It was great. We went out on Saturday and had a really good time. 5. A. I haven't met your sister. What's .........................? B. She's really funny. I'm sure you'll like her. 6. A. ........................... the weather ......................... at the moment? B. It's raining, as usual. 7. A. ................... living in London? B. I love it. There are so many things to see and do. 8. A. What .................... that new restaurant by the river .....................? B. It's lovely. We ate there last week.