Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie informacji w nim zawartych zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt. Daniel Brown is a ten-year-old painter. In many competitions, he is better than much older artists. Experts agree that his painting has the standard of a professional. His art is similar to Picasso's works but he paints more details. Daniel has a very artistic family. His father is a piano player while his mother has a very good voice, but she did not make singing her career. He also has an aunt who teaches art at school and his cousin is an interior designer. But Daniel is probably the most gifted. However, Daniel's talent comes along with a disease - he suffers from autism. He finds it difficult to talk to other people, so only art gives him a chance to say everything he feels. That is why he has been obsessed with art since he was two, and he is happiest when he is painting. He likes painting almost everything, but animals are the most important in his work. Whatever he cannot say, Polly the parrot, or Super Cat will tell. Daniel's parents say that his paintings are very often connected with each other. It means that when you put them together you can see a story the paintings tell. Mr Brown is extremely proud that his son is exceptional at art, especially because Daniel is unfortunately the last one in subjects like maths and science. Mr Brown thinks that it is amazing what his son has achieved despite his health problems. The first person who noticed how good Daniel's works are, was his art teacher. She also told his parents that it is very important to develop Daniel's passion because it would help him deal with autism. She organized an exhibition of Daniel's work at school and later in a local gallery. Newspapers started writing about the young artist and this is how art collectors got to know about Daniel. Last week, he sold his first painting and more offers are coming in. His parents say that they will use the money to pay for doctors and buy expensive medication. They also say that they would have never thought that their autistic son would earn money for himself. 5.1. Daniel paints like a professional. One member of Daniel's family is a painter. Daniel often paints animals. One painting often tells a story. Daniel is not good at scientific subjects. His parents discovered his talent. 5.7. Daniel is now making money as an artist. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. T F