1. Choose the answer a, b or c which means the same
as the Polish parts of the sentences in brackets.
1 Maria’s parents ______ (obawiali się o jej) her life.
a were afraid of
b feared for
c scared of
2 The man told the police officer that ______
(nie widział) the burglars.
a he hasn’t seen
b he wouldn’t see
c he hadn’t seen
3 They said they’d send some detectives ______ (jutro).
a yesterday
b the next day
c that day
4 Local authorities have to ______ (poradzić sobie z)
the problem of vandalism.
a cope with
b deal
c protect from
5 They arrested her for ______ (kradzież).
a theft
b burglary
c bullying
2.Read the text and complete gaps 1–5 with
sentences a–g. There are two extra sentences
We usually find out about crimes from the mass media.
TV, radio and all kinds of press reporters interview
witnesses and police officers to write their reports. But
among the huge number of journalists who write about
crimes, there is a very special group. 1______ Their main
job is to investigate and report on things that some
people may try to hide from the public. Stories presented
by this type of journalists are often about some local
problems. 2______ Thanks to such stories, corrupt
politicians and big companies that break the law cannot
feel totally safe.
Investigative journalists often spend months collecting
the necessary information to reveal a crime to the public. 3______ The interesting question here is: how do such
investigative journalists gather the information they need?
After all, they do not have the same power as police
detectives. The truth is that some of the facts are easily
available from public sources. However, the most exciting
crime stories described by journalists usually involve
the help of a secret informant. 4______ Journalists often
protect these people by changing their personal details in
their reports.
In the history of investigative journalism, there have been
quite a few famous reporters whose work has allowed
the public to find out about serious wrongdoings.
Many of these have received important awards for their
work. Here, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein from
the Washington Post are probably top of the list. 5______
As a result of their investigation, President Nixon resigned
from his office.