2) Przeczytaj teksty 1 i 2 i uzupełnij luki w e-mailu do Davida. Należy je uzupełnić w języku angielskim. 1 From: David Subject: Weekend trip Thanks! David 2 Hi Wojtek I can't wait to go to the mountains at the weekend. I hope it's warm. Here's a link to a weather report: https://weatherupdate.com/mountains. I don't have time to check it today - can you check it and let me know? To: Wojtek Weather for Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th October A wet start to the weekend with light rain on Saturday morning, getting worse during the afternoon. Expect high winds and storms in the evening. TOOL From Wojtek Subject: RE: Weekend trip This should get better during the night with warm sunny weather all day on Sunday. To: David Hey David OK, I followed the link and found the 1 expected in the 3 BOX SEND It says that drizzle is Jon Saturday. And in the evening, it will be windy with and lightning. But Sunday looks like a 4 day, so let's do it - I love going to the Wojtek SEND