
1.Complete the sentences with patterns and materials

1………… is cold ad hard. Heat and electricity can travel trough it.
2. ……… is hard, breakable and you can see ttrough it. It is used to make windows
3. ………. Comes from the skin of an animal. It is used to make shoes bags or belts
4………. Comes from sheep. It is used to make winter clothes such as scarves or jumpers.

2. Change from passive voice to active voice
1.The computer will be repaired tomorrow by our specialists
2.The products are being transported using trucks
3.the new students were given a map of the University
4.Maggie has been taken to school.
5.They haven t been educated about the dangers of smoking
3.Choose the correct indefinite pronoun
1.I didn t have to pay ……. for the tickets. They were free.
a)Nothing b) anything c) something
2.We didn t like the city.There were tourists…………
a)anywhere b)somewhere c)everywhere
3.I think I ve missed the train.There s ………….. on the platform.
a)anybody b)everybody c)nobody
4.He can t lift his suitcase. There s ………………… heavy in it.
a)something b)everything c)anything
5.The law says that ………………………….. has to wear a seat belt
a)everybody b)anybody c)somebody

6.Choose words form the box to complete sentences.Two words
Are given extra.
1.I am not happy with these shoes but I do not want a new pair, I would like to get a ……….
2.I saw a sign saying they are having a ……. At the moment.
3.They have vacum cleaner on a special………… at this shop.
4.Always remember to keep your ……. Otherwise you won t return an time.
5.I think the purchase was ……. It even though it cost $500.


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