
1. Przetłumacz wyrażenia w nawiasie na język angielski
1 When they arrived at the station, (pociąg już odjechał) __________________________________________________.
2 (Spacerowaliśmy) ______________________________________________ in the park when we saw a beautiful bird.
3 Agata first left Poland (gdy była niemowlakiem) ____________________________________________. She went to Germany with her parents.
4 Jim (był kiedyś bardzo arogancki) _____________________________________________, but he’s a friendly person now.
5 (Myślę, że powinieneś pójść) _________________________________________________ to the doctor because you aren’t well.

2. Uzupełnij tekst zdaniami od A do G. Dwa zdania podane są dodatkowo.
My friends and I are cycling through Europe. 1_____ We travelled all along the coast of Albania. It was beautiful but really difficult going across the mountains. 2_____ I don’t think the drivers are used to seeing cyclists and the roads can be dangerous! The best thing about Albania is the people. They’re very friendly! One day we had a problem with one of our bikes in a small village. Soon, nearly everyone in the place was trying to help us!
Now we’re in Greece. It’s May and we try to avoid cycling in the middle of the day because it’s very hot. 3_____ We asked for permission at the nearest café because you aren’t usually allowed to sleep on the beaches, but they said it was OK. I’m not really into camping and I didn’t sleep well, so I persuaded my friends to stay in an air-conditioned hotel room last night. It was great! It even had an open-air swimming pool.
I love the food in Greece. We’ve been buying most of our food from supermarkets, but the restaurants aren’t very expensive. 4_____ There are some great pies and puddings, but my favourite food is the grilled fish. There are some interesting cheeses too, but I am allergic to dairy, so I haven’t eaten them!
We are finishing our journey next week in Athens. I really enjoy cycling, but I’m looking forward to doing nothing! 5_____
I’ve taken some great videos of our journey, too, and you can watch them online. I hope you enjoy them!

A You get very hungry when you’re cycling and I’ve tried some interesting new food.
B It appeals to me because the facilities are good.
C We’ve spent some nights sleeping on the beach in our small tent.
D There’s even a sauna and a steam room.
E We’ve been cycling for two weeks now and it’s exhausting, but it’s great fun.
F Some of the roads were nerve-racking too.
G I want to spend some time hanging out with my friends, playing chess and other board games.