
Zadanie 8. (0-4) Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (8.1.-8.4.) literę, którą ozna- czono brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. Last year, we found a little dog in a ditch that goes along the street near our house. Every time we tried to approach him, he ran away. 8.1. He was really afraid of us, but finally, maybe because of hunger, he decided to come up to us, try the food and even let us pet him and put a lead around his neck. 8.2. We took him to the veterinary clinic, but after a scan it turned out that the eleven-year- old dog had no microchip. 8.3. What could we do knowing that it would be impossible for him to survive the cold winter? Taking him home was the only possible solution. So now this gentle, affectionate obedient creature has been with us for 12 months and, despite his age, has changed into an active, curious and playful dog. 8.4. We became an adoptive family who offered him a loving home forever! A. He could spend his remaining years on the street being noticed by no one. B. We hoped that the dog was lost and there was a chance to find his owner. C. And what about us? D. We followed him several times with a bag of delicious dog food but weren't able to get very close. E. To make things worse, he was almost blind.​

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