
Tekst 2 DO 2. Zadanie 8. (0-4) Przeczytaj teksty 1. i 2. Uzupełnij luki 8.1.-8.4. w e-mailu do Marii zgodnie z treścią tekstów. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. Tekst 1 ● Dear parents, Next week, the local fire service is holding its annual safety training session. The children will be instructed in a range of safety activities linked to fire, electricity and smoke inhalation. This class will be taught from Mon to Wed 10-11.45 a.m. Best regards, Ben Gibson Dear children, Do you know the Fire Safety Rules Don't play with matches and lighters. In the case of a fire, never remain in the building. ● ● 0 0 Email Message Arkusze egzaminacyjne Maybe you know more? Come, share your knowledge and get to know all the rules. Mon 10-11.45. Classroom no. 5. Sessions connected with electricity and smoke will follow soon. Hi Maria, While evacuating the building, keep low to avoid inhaling smoke. Never go back into a burning building. Email Message FFRE The Fire Service have just read an email from Mr. Gibson. Have you heard that our children will start afety training session at the 8.1. of the next week? They e talking about three types of dangers related to fire, electricity and smoke inhalati - from Monday to Wednesday. As us​