5 In pairs. Prepare to role-play a dialogue where
you organise a camping trip. Write down five
things that you need to organise. Use the verbs
below and the vocabulary on page 74 to help you,
and number the tasks 1-5.
book buy check get pack
Prowadzenie negocjacji
Gdy ktoś nie zgadza się na twoją propozycję,
warto zaproponować inne rozwiązania i podać
przemawiające za nimi argumenty. Na przykład:
A How about taking the train?
B. Oh, I don't know about the train.
A I think it'll be a lot more comfortable. Besides, I
already checked on the train website and it says we
can take our bikes on the train.
Read the strategy. Follow the steps and
role-play the dialogue. Use the ideas from your
notes and phrases from the Phrasebook.
Student A
Student B
Student A
Ask Student B what you need to sort out
for the camping trip.
Mention Task 1 from your list.
Offer to do that. Say that you'll also do
Task 2.
Student B Thank Student A. Ask if anyone has
thought about Task 3.
Student A Disagree with one element of Task 3 and
give an alternative suggestion.
Student B Disagree with the new suggestion.
Student A Give arguments for your suggestion.
Student B Agree with the suggestion. Ask who will
do Task 4.