
Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi 1-3.
1. X: Are you sure the train standing at platform 1 is for Warsaw?
Y: ............
X: You stay here while I take a look!
A. Actually, we had better check on the departure board.
B. To tell you the truth, I don't know when it leaves.
C. It's actually running more than three hours late.
2. X: I've started leaving home early to avoid rush-hour traffic.
Y: ..........
X: Sure! I've been getting to work on time for a change!
A. What difference will it make?
B. Will it make any difference?
C. Has it made any difference?
3. X: Have you booked a return ticket from London?
Y: ...........
X: Well, try to be back in time for my birthday.
A. No, I didn't return the ticket.
B. I'm not sure when I'll be getting back.
C. I'm actually thinking of going to Spain instead.