
Uzupełnij poniższe minidiologi 1-3, wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób.
1. X: Where did you het that bag?
Y: ......
X: Really? Perhaps I'll buy one too before they finish.
A. I bought it just yesterday!
B. I got it in the sales at the department store near my house.
C. I actually bought two. One for me, and one for my sister.
2. X: Have you got these shoes in black?
Y: ......
X: Ok, can I see them?
A. Certainly. What size are you?
B. We only have them in brown.
C. They are on special offer.
3. X: I would like a refund for this laptop, please.
Y: ......
X: I thought this shop had a money-back policy for dissatisfied customers.
A. Unfortunately, that laptop was on special offer last week, not this week, sir.
B. I'm afraid you will have to buy domething else for the price of that item, sir.
C. If you wish to make a complaint, you will have to speak to the manager, sir.