
Strona 3 z 6 VOCABULARY Zadanie 2 odp-1p max-10p Wpisz do krzyżówki wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełnią poniższe zdania. 1. Kate's hair isn't dark. It's....... 2. Susan has..... on her face because she spent a lot of time sunbathing. 3. Kate is very..... She doesn't like talking to strangers. 4. Betty's hair is much longer when it is....... not curly. 5. Bob never lies he is always .... 6. Old people have got ..... on their faces. 7. You should always be....., never rude. 8. Steve is really..... he doesn't mind waiting in long queues. 9. Bob's father has got a beard and a .......... 10. Lin is very.... almost skinny. 1.​