
Present simple and presen la Read the sentences (a-g) and match them with the rules (1-7). Write the answers in your notebook.
a Little by little, people are starting to pay more attention.
b Thought processes use a lot of oxygen, c Her children don't play chess for hours every day.
d People are always saying that geniuses are born, not made.
e I'm not sure what she's doing right now.
f Athletes train hard.
g This year we're waiting to see what he does next.
We use the present simple for
1 routines and habits.
2 things that are always or generally true.
3 scientific facts.
We use the present continuous for
4 actions that are happening now or near the moment of speaking.n
5 actions that are temporary or not a normal routine.
6 actions that happen very often and annoy the speaker.
7 changing situations. motivo​