
Teenagers and technology
According to a recent study by the Institute of Digital Media (IDM), more and more teenagers aged 11-15 are
going online every day. The IDM conducted a survey in over 200 schools in Poland to find out what teenagers
do on the Internet. It turned out that most pupils check their social media platforms before they even eat
breakfast or get out of bed. They then use their mobile phones on their way to school- they chat with friends
or post comments. When they finish lessons, they immediately put in their earbuds to start listening to songs
on various music services. In the evenings, most young people watch films online or play computer games.
When asked about the number of hours spent online, teens said it was 6 or 7 hours! After publishing the
results of the survey, the IDM has already taken steps to launch a 'Stay offline' campaign. It seems to be a
necessary step to help teenagers avoid addiction to the Internet.
3.1. What was the reason for the IDM conducting a survey among teenagers?
The reason was to
3.2. What do teenagers do after they wake up?
After waking up, teenagers
3.3. What do you need to use if you want to listen to music on your phone?
If you want to listen to music on your phone, you
3.4. Why is the IDM going to launch a 'Stay offline' campaign?
The IDM is going to launch a 'Stay offline' campaign

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Teenagers And Technology According To A Recent Study By The Institute Of Digital Media IDM More And More Teenagers Aged 1115 Are Going Online Every Day The IDM class=