
Exercise 1 Form the correct words out of their roots given in CAPITALS in
and abject po
1/The monarch's mindlessness led to a complete downfall of his /KING/
erty among his subjects.
at first, but in the end, it turned out that it was
2/ Completing the task seemed /ATTAIN/
much easier than we had expected.
3/ The mining Industry, one of the most important /COMPOSE/
of our economy, beings
no wonder that the teacher objected to
enormous profits to the country.
4/ The boy's manners were really /CONTEMPT/
having him in his class
5/ We cannot rely on her account of the occurrence, it doesn't sound very /TACT/
What do you expect from your future wife, Mr Robson? I'd like one that is faithfuil and /SUBMIT/
so that she can fulfil all my requests,
we wouldn't have suffered
7/ If only we hadn't forgotten to take the mosquito /REPEL/
In fact, I have
from so severe bites.
8/The rough treatment I received in the hotel definitely aroused my /PLEASE/
never stayed in it again.
9/it would be hard to find suitable words to tell you about my impressions. The Scottish landscapes are simply /DESCRIBE/
reputation. He has been to prison twice for robberies
10/I can't say he is a man of /BLAME/
and fraud.
11/ Gordon was rather worried about his condition, and so the doctors had to /SURE/
pretty strongly to restore his self-confidence,
12/ One of the card players communicated with his partner by means of minute facial movements which were almost
to the eye of the less experienced participants.
13/ We have had to replace the outdated technology with a modern one in order to make sur work more /EFFECT/
from Torino is the most serious contracting part of ours. They usually order /COPY/
14/ The automobile manufacturer
amounts of the valves that get installed in their vehicles.
mother. Her baby is due next month.
15/Mrs Stone is an /EXPECT/
Exercise 2 Form the correct words out of their roots given in CAPITALS in the
1/ Paul has gained a lot of favour with the girls from his class who are enchanted with his most /COURT/
2/ It's usually hard to guess when the earthquake may strike and the extent of the destruction is not /PREDICT/
of this vehicle, Sir? Of course 1 have, Will the regis
3/ Have you got any proof of the /OWN/
4/ Even the deployment of the peacekeeping troops couldn't prevent another /BREAK/
tration card do?
heavy fighting in the trouble spot.
5/ The monthly/INSTALL/
that we have to pay for the furniture amount to £60.
of the aircraft carrier after
6/It was the commander who ordered the complete /ABANDON/.
it was heavily hit by the enemy's torpedoes.
small in this region considering that no
7/ The population of the partridge is /COMPARE/
shooting of these birds has been allowed since 1988.
8/ Mr Higgins' outstanding merits in the field of embryology is /DISPUTE.
However, the
point is whether he should be honoured now or when he retires.
9/Will it be ever possible for the human race to reach the extreme /BOUND/
of the uni
and hopes to make a good technical designer in the i
10/ Eric has been studying /ENGINE/
11/ The Court of Justice has rejected all the /ALLEGE/
against Mrs Stacey on the grounds of
insufficient evidence.
12/1 will never agree to that. It's absolutely /THINK/
to me that the rubbish dump should be.
placed behind my house.
13/It was her most /APOLOGISE/
appearance that made us let her go unpunished.
rural areas will be subsidised by the Agriculture Department to
14/The least/PRODUCE/.
help modernise their cultivating techniques.
15/ The report printed in the Mirror is totally /CONTRADICT/
to the one I have read in the
Daily, I wonder what caused so many discrepancies in the authors' accounts.

Dam naj♥️