
II. Put in articles and prepositions where necessary. The English Channel Frenchmen call it "La Manche" but to (1) English Channel, one (2) water. (4) (3) Britain's defence against invaders. It has also been (5). Continent, (7). way to (6) (8). English, it the the world's most extraordinary pieces centuries the Channel has been ships. Over the years people have crossed it (9) rowing-boat, parachute, water-skis and swimming. The Channel stretches 350 miles, (10) Atlantic Ocean (12). (13) England's south coast (14) (15). (16) cliffs of Dover (19) (11) — North Sea separating France's north coast. its narrowest point it measures only 21 miles. clear day, you can see (18). white (20) — (17) — only highway crowded balloon, canoe, French coast.​