
Hej proszę o pomoc w zadaniu

3 Podkresl spdjniki, ktére najlepiej uzupetniaja zdania.

1 The film was boring, because /s0/ although we left the cinema in the middle of it.
2 We should wait till / unless / before they finish the meeting.
3 Her English is quite good, because / after / but she needs to work on her pronunciation.
4 Unless / After / While you tell me what’s happened,
! won’t be able to help you.
5 I've lent him my car so / though / because | trust him.
6 I'll make coffee for everybody while / or / so you're making breakfast.
7 She's quite intelligent, or / though / because she can also be a bit arrogant.
8 We can go out and/or / but stay in — it’s up to you!
9 Mr Johnson would like to talk to you although / while / before you go home.
10 I'll let you know but / if / and \ have a better idea than that.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. (7 pkt)

1 Could you please ch
2 She decided toa
the garlic? Here, take this knife.
for the bill and pay with her phone.
3 You'd better take the sauce off the heat or it will b
4 Could you please p the potatoes for dinner?
5 In the restaurant Tom’s job was tos
the guests to their table and take their orde Starters.
6 Iwill be busy this afternoon. I'm going tob a cake for my grandma.
7 Ina large bowl b the egg whites with a pinch of salt to make them stiff.