
Mega proszę o pomoc, bo nie wiem jak to zrobic <3

Find and correct six mistakes with the verbs and time expressions in the text.

Have you ever

Have ever you watched people using sign language? Sign languages are languages that you speak using your hands. I became interested in them a few months ago when my aunt has lost her ability to hear. I've wanted to communicate with her, so I started learning sign language. Since then, I've done quite well. I already learnt more than 100 signs, but there are still a lot that I don't know! I just started a sign language course at my local college, so that will help me learn faster. I've seen my aunt last week, and we had a really good conversation using our hands. It was pretty cool!​

Mega Proszę O Pomoc Bo Nie Wiem Jak To Zrobic Lt3Find And Correct Six Mistakes With The Verbs And Time Expressions In The TextHave You EverHave Ever You Watched class=