
Język angielski klasa 8.

Zadanie 6, strona 27.

Do każdej sytuacji (6.2-6.3) wybierz właściwą reakcję A, B lub C.

6.1. You see someone you know thorowing a plastic bottle on the river bank. What do you tell him/her?
A. Look out! There's a bottle.
B. It's against the law to do that.
C. Don't go there! It's dangerous.

6.2. Your sister has to look after your pets this evening because you are meeting a friend. What do you say to her?
A. Don't ever do that again!
B. Watch out. There are fish.
C. First, feed the fish. Then, take the dog for a walk

6.3 You're at a cafe with your American aunt when you accidentally spill your drink. What do you say?
A. Mind your step! The floor is wet.
B. Don't forget to get another drink.
C. Be careful! You mustn't drink coffee